Votre spécialiste du terroir

Téléphone : 0679390478

Vous pouvez commander vos produits du terroir sélectionnés par nos soins dans votre boutique MyMedoc ☺

Wine bar in Lesparre, Médoc

Your wine bar in Lesparre, for friendly evenings in the heart of the Médoc, our wine bar welcomes you to the city center of its capital, Lesparre, to introduce you to Médoc wines and beers, carefully selected.

MyMedoc offers you a friendly and warm place to discover the eight Médoc wine appellations, craft beers, coming directly from local producers.

We also offer you the tasting of local products to accompany wines and beers during our evenings. Discover quality wines, real local “pearls of culture”, tasty craft beers, extraordinary artisanal know-how, help promote the famous short circuits and promote our beautiful region! Médoc wines, a culture, a passion

Tasting Médoc wines, beyond a passion, is an art that we wish to promote within our wine bar and through our activities. Our tasting evenings are designed to offer everyone the culture of Médoc wines, through a careful selection of regional wines. We are passionate about our profession and in direct contact with local winegrowers to help you discover the best of the Médoc: quality wines from a unique terroir!

Located 65 km from Bordeaux, Lesparre is quickly accessible from the Gironde capital by taking the direction of Castelnau du Médoc (via the departmental road 1215), but also along the Gironde estuary: Macau, Margaux, Pauillac, Saint-Esthèphe ….cross towns with prestigious and evocative names to come and meet us!

To book a table

My Médoc, your Médoc Wine Bar, welcomes you every Thursday and Friday evening from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. for a friendly aperitif.

ONLY BY RESERVATION on 06 79 39 04 78 Virginie
or via the form at the top of the page ☺